Kinga E. Rogowska Family & Cosmetic Dentistry


Prophylaxis is standard practice that helps in preventing several oral issues and infections. During the session, your dentist will also examine your mouth for any early signs of potential diseases. As important as maintaining your oral hygiene at home, it is equally crucial to visit your dentist at regular intervals, even if you do not have any oral issues. It is a great preventive measure that helps in maintaining your oral health in the long run.

Kinga E. Rogowska Family & Cosmetic Dentistry

Periodontal Maintenance

Periodontal Maintenance can be defined as thorough teeth cleaning procedure that helps halt the progression of periodontal diseases. Periodontal or gum diseases primarily occur when bacteria from plaque colonize in your gum tissues. They can be present either above or below the gum line. The bacteria cause serious inflammation, tenderness, and if not treated on time, they can eventually destroy your jawbones, causing tooth loss. The periodontal maintenance cleaning helps to reduce the effects of gum diseases and restore your oral health.

Periodontal Maintenance
Kinga E. Rogowska Family & Cosmetic Dentistry

Scaling & Root Planing (Deep Cleaning)

Scaling and root planing or deep cleaning can be described as a restorative dental procedure that helps remove plaque and calculus from your teeth and below your gum line. The plaque can harden to form tartar, which pulls your gums away from the tooth roots leading to the formation of gum pockets. These pockets can be the site of bacteria accumulation which can cause damage to your teeth, gums, and jawbones, eventually leading to periodontal diseases. Poor oral hygiene habits are the main cause of periodontitis.

Scaling & Root Planing